Monetary reform: new aggregates as a foundation in the digital age
Posted on 06/13/2023
The limited space of the "classic"
aggregates M1, M2 and M3, which make up the money supply, is now replaced by an
unlimited space, defined by ne...
The English version of the book by JF Serval and JP Pascal Tranié is available online
Posted on 02/01/2023
The English version of the book by
Jean-François Serval and Jean-Pascal Tranié has been available since February 1
in digital format under the ti...
La Revue du Financier reviews the book by JF.Serval and JP.Tranié
Posted on 01/26/2023
La Revue du FINANCIER in its numbers 251 and
252 corresponding respectively to the months of September/October and
November/December, published e...
"The great conversion", an analysis by Philippe Mudry dans les Echos
Posted on 11/25/2022
Philippe Mudry, former director general of Agefi, wrote a column in Les Echos dated November 23, in which he exposes, at through a very fine analys...
Revue Banque: the debate between Jean-François Serval and Christian de Boissieu on debt issues is available online
Posted on 11/22/2022
Jean-François Serval, president of Groupe Audit Serval, and Christian de Boissieu, economist, professor emeritus at Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), vi...
Revue Banque : the challenges of debt, a cross-section of views between Jean-François Serval and Christian de Boissieu
Posted on 10/27/2022
Serval, president and founder of Groupe Audit Serval and Christian de Boissieu,
economist, professor emeritus at Paris I (Panthéon-...
How to get out of the debt trap through productive investment?
Posted on 10/24/2022
Jean-François Serval and Jean-Pascal Tranié published in Agefi Hebdo, dated October 13, 2022, an article presenting the content of their latest boo...
Jean-François Serval's and Jean-Pascal Tranié's new book about monetary reform and the challenge of debt
Posted on 06/08/2022
Jean-François Serval, founder partner of Groupe Audit Serval, and his co-author, Jean-Pascal Tranié, head of an international investment fund, con...
“Inflation and cryptocurrencies, first challenges for central banks"
Posted on 05/31/2022
In the daily newspaper l'Opinion, dated 03/30/2022, Jean-François Serval published a column on the current challenges of the return of inflation. J...
The challenge of digitalisation facing the scandals in the accounting profession
Posted on 02/15/2022
Jean-François Serval has published an article about the challenge of digitalisation and the recent scandals in the accounting profession, in the F...